So you want to be a techie? 🤔

Well congrats, that is a great career choice .Your life is about to change for the better!

Our goal is to help you get started and stay consistent in your tech journey.

Your first step is to join a community of like-minded people.

Yes, by being among people who are pursuing the same goals as you, you greatly increase your chances of success, make great friends and find help easily when you face challenges.

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“Alone, we can do so little; together, we can do so much” – Helen Keller

Choosing a Tech Career

When we say “tech”, we mean software development. The creation of apps and computer programs that make life easier and help us solve everyday problems like sending messages to family members halfway across the world 🤨

Like every field of human endeavor, you can build a career in tech and there are basically two paths you can take: Code and no code.

No code tech Careers:

These are careers in tech that do not require you to know how to program a computer. Programming is a modern day super power because it let’s you tell computers what to do and well computers can do almost anything!

While this is interesting, it requires you to know a little bit of math, be able to think logically and yeah sit down on your laptop for hours. If this is not you, then there are plenty of careers in tech that you pursue without learning how to code.

Code Tech Careers:

These are careers that require you to know how to code. Love solving problems and creating new thing? Then this might just be the career path for you and there are different specializations to choose from.

Coders are builders and makers, they make most of our modern world possible by creating the software on which we so heavily depend on today.

Careers in tech